J. Lansing Hills, Esq. - Attorney | Lawyer | Butler, PA

"When your life seems at its worst, I'm here to be at my best fighting for you."

Mailing Address: PO Box 212 Bruin, PA 16022

Office: 721 E. Brady Street

Butler, PA 16001



Find an aggressive advocate for your case

Ensure your legal counsel is someone who will fight for you and your rights when you call upon the expertise at J. Lansing Hills, Esq. today. With a reputation for being tough and unflinching, trust you'll be in good hands.

Criminal Case

I have represented clients in all sorts of criminal predicaments, and have had some real success. As a native Western Pennsylvanian, I am proud to fight for Western Pennsylvanians when they find themselves in the criminal system, which is often both a daunting and frustrating experience. If you find yourself in such a situation, no matter how trivial or hopeless it may seem, DO NOT fool yourself into believing that skilled and uncompromising legal representation is not a necessity. Put in the simplest terms, the lawyer you choose (or settle for, as the case may be) can affect the outcome of your case inalterably. Always remember that you want to reduce the impact of the system in your life as much as possible, and having a tough and unflinching advocate is the only real way to achieve that.


That said, many attorneys will NOT give out free advice to potential clients. However, in my several years of experience, both in private practice and while working for one of the most prestigious Criminal Defense Firms in the area, I have learned that everyone deserves to hear certain invaluable advice. As such, I have the following two pieces of free advice:


DON’T EVER speak to the police under any circumstances; and the reasons behind that message are just as crystal clear. 

Officers are trained to elicit damning information from individuals, and to lie, pressure, and coerce to achieve that end. In short, every question posed to a citizen by an officer while in his professional capacity as an officer is DESIGNED to get that person to incriminate themselves. As such, if you were to make any statement to police, “it can, and will, be used against you in court of law.” Sound familiar? 


As such, no matter how scary the threat or enticing the promises made, aside from providing identification when asked to do so, simply ask only these three questions to any law enforcement officer attempting to engage you in a conversation:

a. Am I being detained?

b. Am I free to go?

c. Am I being charged with a crime?


If the answer to a. or c. is “yes,” or the answer to b. is “no,” stop speaking IMMEDIATELY, ask to call my offices, and SAY NOTHING ELSE. I will, no matter the hour or the place, find you and begin the process of defending you. Trust me, if you decide to ignore this advice, your case will be forever more difficult. Do not trust that you know what to say, and what not to say. Quite frankly, most people have no idea what can be incriminating, while I am trained to know such things. Moreover, despite how fearful you may be to anger or frustrate officers, or how desirous you may be to simply “cooperate” and go home, if they didn’t already want to put you in the system, odds are, they wouldn’t be speaking to you in the first place. Don’t make their jobs any easier, and remember that, when your life seems to be at its worst, I am here to be at my best to fight for you because that’s what I do.


Most people know that police often obtain search warrants to search a home or vehicle. Without a warrant, police need what is referred to as “probable cause” to search ANYTHING. The issue of probable cause is a highly contentious one, which, with skilled and knowledgeable argumentation by counsel, can result in some, or all, evidence against you in a criminal case being “thrown out,” or deemed inadmissible.


However, the ultimate “trump card” for officers, one which removes any requirement that probable cause exist prior to a search, is your simply telling them they can. They will ALWAYS ask to search, and they will spout trite sayings like “only guilty people don’t consent to a search,” or “do you have something to hide?” in an attempt to pressure you to allow them to do so. 


Again, do not fool yourself into believing that you know what is and is not incriminating evidence. Are you willing to wager thousands of dollars, and potentially years of your life, on your knowledge of the criminal code? If not, simply refuse any search, and call my offices IMMEDIATELY!


Even if the police go ahead and search, and even if they find evidence as a result, the fact that you did not consent to the search allows a chance that the evidence will be thrown out. Remember, I am here to fight for you, because that’s what I do.

Family Law Cases

From Custody, to Divorce, to Support, to protection from abuse, the nuanced and technical aspects of Family Law issues are myriad. You need competent and experienced legal counsel to advise you along at every step of litigation. I have years of experience in Family Courts, and have seen the entire spectrum of facts and circumstances which may surround your case.


Aside from experience in these types of cases, I can only offer the fact that I am willing to truly represent your interests and desires in these extremely emotional types of cases. Yes, it is true that compromise and agreement are infinitely more desirable over litigation in Family law cases, as, aside from being a more economical option, such amicable results tend to ensure closure and long-term stability for children. As such, it follows that most attorneys tout their ability to “negotiate amicable settlement” in Family Law cases. I assure you that, if appropriate, I am more than capable at reaching agreement with the opposition.


However, let’s all be honest, if equitable and mutually-acceptable decision making were real options in the relationships which usually end up in Family Court, there probably wouldn’t be a Family Law case in the first place. In short, if the parties “got along” and agreed on key questions in life, they probably wouldn’t be in court. As such, there tends to be a key disagreement, or several disagreements, as to how children should be raised, marital assets distributed, etc. which necessitate litigation. In those cases, there is no reason to prize an inequitable, and possibly detrimental, peace over a hard-fought just outcome in your case. Your children, reputation, freedom, economic stability, and the life for which you have worked so hard to achieve are worth fighting for.


I will never back down from a fight when your life and children are on the line; rather, I am here to fight for you, because that’s what I do. I will help you to achieve what needs to be achieved in order to give you peace of mind. Moreover, I can be, in these types of emotionally-charged circumstances, removed from the situation just enough to provide salient and helpful advice and also practical strategy as to achieve the ends you envision; or to, perhaps, give you clarity as to whether your envisioned end in a given case is at all reasonable. That said, I will never pressure you to settle or betray principle to make my job easier. I will keep fighting to achieve the outcome that you want.


Lastly, remember that, in almost every Family Law case, time is of the essence. You may, right now, be ceding rights, and not even know that you have done so. If you believe that you are in need of legal advice, and to have a knowledgeable and aggressive advocate for you, call my offices today; because, when your life seems at its worst, I am here to be at my best.

DUI Cases

Many DUI cases may appear, on the surface, to be “open and shut.” As such, many people forgo retaining quality representation, because “what difference does it make?”


I can answer confidently that it can make all the difference in the world. Moreover, a DUI conviction can have long-lasting effects far beyond what you may believe you already know; a DUI can follow you for years to come. Skilled advocacy can give a case which seems hopeless much-needed hope at a successful outcome. Adroit defense tactics and negotiation can mean the difference between a DUI being the “end of the road” or a simple “speed bump.” 


As such, please call my office the moment that you believe that you may be charged with a DUI, so that I have the best chance bringing hope to your DUI case. And remember, when your life seems at its worst, I am here to be at my best.

Juvenile Law Cases

I have been practicing in Western Pennsylvania’s Dependency and Delinquency Courts for years, and have an intimate knowledge of the inner workings of a segment of the law, which, for many attorneys, becoming a quagmire of terminology, evidentiary rules, and standards of proof which may very well spell disaster for otherwise functional families.


Many people are embarrassed by their involvement with Dependency (CYS) or Delinquency Courts, despite their involvement, often times, being the result of the mistaken impressions of others. In short, many such cases begin because a presumed well-meaning third party reports some problem to authorities; and, because many people simply want the problem to “go away,” they do not give such instances and interactions with state agents their proper attention. 


I am here to assure you that you may be giving up rights to your children, unwittingly making admissions, or revealing seemingly-innocuous details about your family which may result in months, or even years, of state involvement in your, and your children’s, personal lives. You are best served to hit these types of situations “head on.” So, before speaking to, divulging any information to, or opening your home to, any state agent, it is imperative that you CALL MY OFFICE FIRST, because when your life seems to be at its worst, I am here to be at my best fighting for you, because that is what I do.

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